Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fast Food Nation:Ch 4 Questions

What legal issues have been involved with fast food franchises?
In what particular legal action has the Subway fast food franchise been involved? (100-102)

The legal issue that have been involved with fast food franchises that every fast food reasrunt get som kind of lone from the goverment to start there buissness and some of the get in dedt. the legal action that subway has been involved with is that most of there workers are immagrants.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chapter 2

the fast food industes are smart because they started to make toys and make more things that atract kid and there perents. They also make comursels and giving people fack food cause it looks good on tv but when you buy it eather to greasey or to dry. All they do is brib people and take there money.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Question Chapter on of Fast Food Nation

1) How is the 'American world view' embodied in the fast food industry?
I think American thought that fast food would being America a lot of money and fame.

2)What elements of Southern California "culture" contributed to and encouraged the development of fast food restaurants?
I think that the culture of Southern California contributed to and encouraged the development of fast food restaurants because of how fast the population was going and going and the businesses where all very successful.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chapter 3 Home Work

"We'll be lucky if we make one-third of what we make in a normal year," said Taylor, the 46-year-old co-owner of Seattle-based Fantasy Index Magazine, Inc., which isn't publishing its Fantasy Football Index magazine for the first time in 25 years.

He put it in there to say that fantasy football will make one third of what they will make in a normal years because of the lockout

He introduces it by giving the Quote from on of the co-owner of seattle-based fantasy Index Magazine.

I liked it but didn't really get it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Source 3 No illegal immigrants allowed in Georgia's top public colleges

This article is mainly about how Georgia is not letting illegal immigrants into there collages. Then in South Carolina they are not letting immigrants into there two year collages. These people are basically saying that the cant get an education higher then a high school diploma. they are trying to get the government to make a bill that says no immigrants in collage.

Central Argument

Georgia is not allowing illegal immigrants in there collages and they are trying to get the government to make a bill that does not allow immigrants to go to collage.

  1. Sen.Don Balfour, R-Snellville, told the AJC, " A bill will br introduced this session that says no illegals in any public collage.
  2. No illegal immigrants allowed in Georgia's top public colleges

Friday, November 18, 2011

Source to Critics See' Chilling Effect' in Alabama Immigation Law

  1. Briefly (2-3 sentences) summarize the article?
This article was about how the state of Alabama are trying to drive immigrants away from there state. When theirs a law that says "No child will be denied an education based on unlawful status"

2. Explain the passage's CENTRAL ARGUMENT. What claims does the author make?

The champions of Alabama's far-reaching immigration law have said that it is intended to drive illegal immigrants from the state by making every aspect of their life difficult. But they have taken a very different tone when it comes to part of the law concerning school.

3.Find TWO ASSERTIONS that support the central argument. Explain how each assertion contributes to the author's main argument.

It is, however a first step in a larger and long-considered strategy to topple a 29-year-old Supreme court ruling that all children in the United States, regardless of thier immigration status, are guaranteed a public education. This assertion is good because this has been oging on for a long time.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Analysis Huddled Masses, Turned Away

The passage that my team read was about how much it takes to send a immigrant back to it country. This is funny to me because the US don't have money to keep teachers in our schools but they have money to send immigrants back to there country. It can cast up to $23.000 just to remove an immigrant back i think they should start spending there money on other things like education and put them teachers back in our schools so we can learn more.